Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE)
About | Project AIM | Teen Outreach Program (TOP) | Teen Speak for Parents
SexEdVA’s Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) program is funded through the Virginia Department of Health’s SRAE grant, which is funded by the Title V State Sexual Risk Avoidance Grant. Title V State SRAE projects are implemented using a Positive Youth Development (PYD) framework to implement strategies to build protective factors that promote healthy behaviors among young people ages 10-19 living in communities with disproportionately high rates of teen pregnancy. These risk avoidance strategies to help participants develop healthy life skills, increase individual protective factors that reduce risks, make healthy decisions, engage in healthy relationships, and set goals that lead to self-sufficiency before engaging in sexual activity. Another key component of the program includes linking program participants to services provided by local community partners that support the safety and well-being of youth.
SexEdVA’s SRAE programs teach the following curricula:
Project AIM and Wyman’s Teen Outreach Program (TOP)
Click the underlined links above to learn more about each of these programs.