SexEdVA Monthly Newsletters
January 2024
Happy New Year! Check out our first edition of the SexEdVA Monthly Newsletter. Check out some fun facts and classroom tips and meet Megan Moore, who recently joined our team as an Adolescent Health Educator.
February 2024
Check out February’s newsletter to meet Health Educator, Susana, and learn some fun new sex ed facts! In a month all about love, how can you best support young people navigating new romantic relationships?
March 2024
In the March edition of the SexEdVA newsletter, meet TOP and Project AIM facilitator, Liz Miller! You’ll also get a sneak peek of an activity in Draw the Line for middle school students.
April 2024
Does birth control actually cause weight gain or is it a bit more complicated than that? Did you know the smallest and largest cells in the body are both part of the reproductive system? Check out April’s newsletter to learn more!
¿Los anticonceptivos realmente causan aumento de peso o es un poco más complicado que eso? ¿Sabías que las células más pequeñas y más grandes del cuerpo forman parte del sistema reproductivo? ¡Consulte el boletín de abril para obtener más información! -
May / Mayo 2024
May is National Adolescent Health Month! Check out this month’s newsletter for ways to explore adolescent health topics and start conversations with your loved ones.
¡Mayo es el Mes Nacional de la Salud de los Adolescentes! Consulte el boletín de este mes para conocer formas de explorar temas de salud de los adolescentes e iniciar conversaciones con sus seres queridos. -
June / Junio 2024
In June’s newsletter, take a look at one of the health lessons taught in 6th grade in Harrisonburg City Schools, meet Program Coordinator, Julianna Jones, and learn to answer a common question from young people.
En el boletín de junio, eche un vistazo a una de las lecciones de salud que se imparten en sexto grado en las escuelas de la ciudad de Harrisonburg, conozca a la coordinadora del programa, Julianna Jones, y aprenda a responder una pregunta común de los jóvenes.