Learning Guides
Sexual Coercion
Sexual Coercion Video
Follow You, Follow Me
Follow You Follow Me is a short film designed with and starring people with disabilities and produced through collaboration between the Disability-inclusive Sexual Health Network and Health Education Design Group at James Madison University.
The film follows the storyline of the everyday adventures of an interabled queer couple to explore deep themes surrounding relationships, disability, and ableism. The starring couple, Taylor and Kim, navigate the joy, intimacy, and challenges of relationships while confronting the impacts of ableism and feelings that disabled people are not worthy romantic partners. Through practices of mutual support, learning, and care, Taylor and Kim leave the audience with an appreciation for the unique strengths and baggage that all people carry within romance, and the beauty of diversity in relationships.
Follow You, Follow Me
Flipping the Script
Flipping the Script is a short film designed with and starring people with disabilities and produced through collaboration between the Disability-inclusive Sexual Health Network and Health Education Design Group at James Madison University.
Using a lens of comedic irony, the film speculates what the world of romance might look like if nondisabled people faced the same ableist experiences that disabled people often do in their relationships. Among the those skits represented are dramatizations of common situations that disabled film collaborators had witnessed or experienced, such as idolizing someone for asking a disabled student to prom, confusing a romantic partner for a caregiver, and assuming disabled people never have sex. Using humor both as entertainment and education, the film empowers viewers to confront everyday ableism and support diversity in romantic relationships.
Flipping the Script