Appalachian Replication Project (ARP)
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The Appalachian Replication Project (ARP) supported adolescent health in Southwest Virginia through evidence-based programming, training and technical assistance, and community capacity building in a three-year project from 2020 to 2023. Federally funded through the Office of Population Affairs, this systems-based, cooperative effort emphasized abstinence, contraception, and positive youth development to reduce teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted infection rates significantly.
By collaborating with schools and community organizations, ARP equiped teens, caregivers, and community members with the education and skills that allow young people to make the healthiest decisions for themselves regarding sex and relationships.
ARP helped our partners ensure that adolescents have access to sexual health information that is positive, inclusive, evidence-based, and medically accurate.
Evidence-based Sexual Health Programs implemented with ARP
We partnered with schools and community organizations to implement evidence-based sexual health programs. Our team, who has experience initiating and administering sexual health programming throughout Virginia, provided training, funding, materials, and technical assistance to help partners build and maintain their programs beyond the lifespan of the grant.
Draw the Line/Respect the Line
Draw the Line/Respect the Line is a three-year, school-based sex education program for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students. This program was primarily designed to help young adolescents postpone having sex and provides the knowledge and skills to prevent HIV, other STD, and pregnancy. The program uses a 19-session curriculum that teaches youth how to establish and maintain limits regarding sexual behavior.
Preview the Draw the Line program on ETR’s website, or you may request to view printed materials from the school or agency facilitating it.
*Please note, some schools may have specific program adaptations or elect to omit the condom demonstration from the 8th grade curriculum. Contact your child’s school if you have questions.
Teen Outreach Program© (TOP©)
The Teen Outreach Program© promotes the positive development of teens through curriculum-guided interactive discussions; positive adult guidance and support; and community service learning. TOP© focuses on topics related to adolescent health and development, including healthy relationships, communication, influence, goal-setting, decision making, values clarification, community service learning, and adolescent development and sexuality. TOP© is a nine-month program that can be delivered in various school and community settings.